Those Faulty Journeys - Nyaletey Emmanuel, Software Engineer, USA
is one of the most moving, and eye-opening mathematical fiction I’ve ever read.
I read this book only because I met Ramprasath and he mentioned this book after
an interesting discussion about mathematical logic. After reading the
first chapter, I was very excited about what the next chapters would present. I
began to see myself in the life of Ajay. This isn't only because I’m also a
software developer but also because we seem to share the same professional and
personal challenges as well.
I should not be surprised as Ramprasath, a
software engineer himself, have seen and or experienced a lot of
what this character goes through. The power of this connection is shown in how
complex and yet detailed the author expresses his ideas about the characters in
this novel. The author makes be stop and reconsider and rethink the
many variables that come to play in my daily life decision. This
novel puts you inside the minds of the characters and forces you to begin to
think about the mathematical constructs that flow from one chapter to the next.
This is a tremendous treasure of a book and I'm sure it's staying in my read
again list for a long time. Highly recommended!